Can prolong sitting cause back pain?

Experiencing discomfort while seated?

Is prolong sitting really that detrimental to your health?

In short… absolutely!

The human body wasn't designed for prolonged inactivity. Our origins as hunter-gatherers imply constant movement throughout the day. Extended periods of sitting have been consistently linked to weight gain, chronic diseases, heart issues, and can exacerbate musculoskeletal pain.

Consequences of Excessive Sitting:

  • Tightened hip flexors (iliopsoas and rectus femoris)

  • Tightened hamstrings inactive glutes/core muscles

Consider our typical daily routine: waking up, sitting for breakfast, commuting to work, sitting at work, lunch break sitting, repeating the commute home, then relaxing on the couch after a day predominantly spent sitting. This equates to roughly 12-15 hours of sitting daily! When you add in sleeping hours (6-8 hours), total sedentary time increases to approximately 20 hours a day! Mind-boggling!

Why Does Sitting Cause Pain? An imbalance in muscle engagement and postural strain puts excessive stress on the lower back (lumbar spine), while the glutes and core weaken due to inactivity. Poor sitting posture can further strain spinal discs due to prolonged bending of the lumbar spine. Similarly, slouching shoulders and protruding neck posture can lead to neck and mid-back pain and stiffness. Sound familiar to those 9-5 workers?

Preventing sitting-related pain, be mindful of your posture. Seek ergonomic guidance to optimise your workspace (e.g., using a standing desk, ergonomic chair, and ensuring correct screen and keyboard setup). Take breaks from prolonged sitting with periods of activity. Movement can alleviate discomfort!

Try these exercises at home or at the gym. This routine aims to activate the gluteal muscles, core, and lumbar stabilisers to distribute the load evenly and promote good posture.

Side-lying clams: 15-20 reps each side

Front plank: 30 seconds

Side plank: 15 seconds

Bird dog or plank shoulder taps: 10 reps

Glute bridge: 10 reps

Did you know at Epoch Health we have a fully equipped treatment/rehabilitation facility. Chiropractic has several goals including promote healing, reduce pain, avoiding aggravation, optimising physical function and global strengthening to restore normal movement patterns.  To see how I can help you book today!


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