Tendinopathy truth - Key Facts for Clinicians and Patients

While much about tendinopathy remains unknown, there are some fundamental truths supported by research that both clinicians and patients should understand. At Epoch Health, we’re committed to helping you understand and manage your condition effectively.

1. Rest Alone Doesn’t Solve Tendinopathy

Rest may temporarily ease pain, but it doesn’t enhance the tendon’s capacity to tolerate load. Pain often returns when activity is resumed.

2. Tendinopathy Isn’t a Classic Inflammatory Condition

Although some inflammatory cells and biochemicals are involved, tendinopathy is not driven by a typical inflammatory response. Anti-inflammatory medications might reduce severe pain, but their impact on tendon pathology remains uncertain.

3. Risk Factors and Triggers for Tendinopathy

Tendinopathy can result from various risk factors, with sudden changes in activity being the most common. These include activities that:

  1. Require tendons to store energy, such as walking, running, or jumping.

  2. Involve tendon compression.

Other contributing factors may include poor biomechanics (e.g., weak or fatigued muscles) or systemic conditions like age, menopause, high cholesterol, or increased pain sensitivity. Even small activity changes can trigger symptoms in predisposed individuals.

4. Exercise: The Gold Standard for Treatment

Progressive loading through exercise is the most evidence-based treatment for tendinopathy. This strengthens tendons and improves their tolerance to everyday demands. At Epoch Health, our chiropractors can guide you through a customised exercise program tailored to your condition.

5. Load Management is Essential

Reducing activities that place excessive strain on the tendon, such as energy storage and compression loads, is crucial—especially in the short term—for relieving pain.

6. Imaging Results Don’t Always Correlate with Pain

Tendon pathology visible on imaging doesn’t necessarily equate to pain. Many people without symptoms have signs of pathology. Even “severe pathology” or “tears” do not guarantee poor outcomes. At Epoch Health, we focus on improving your pain and function, rather than solely addressing imaging results.

7. Passive Treatments Have Limited Long-Term Benefits

While therapies like massage, ultrasound, shock-wave therapy, or injections may provide temporary relief, exercise remains the cornerstone of recovery. Passive treatments should complement, not replace, active rehabilitation. Avoid repeated injections, as they can lead to poorer outcomes.

8. Individualised Exercise Plans Are Key

Exercise programs should be tailored to each person’s pain levels and functional abilities. Gradual progression is essential to restore tendon function while managing discomfort. At Epoch Health, we create personalised treatment plans to help you recover effectively.

9. Recovery Takes Time and Patience

Tendons respond slowly to exercise. Patience and adherence to a well-structured exercise plan are vital. Avoid seeking quick fixes, like injections or surgery, as they often fail to address the underlying issue.

Book Your Assessment at Epoch Health

If you’re experiencing tendon pain or suspect tendinopathy, our team at Epoch Health is here to help. Our evidence-based approach combines expert assessment, customised exercise programs, and supportive care to help you recover effectively and get back to doing what you love.

Contact us today to book an appointment for a thorough assessment and take the first step toward your recovery.


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