Did you know? Chiropractor not only treat the spine but variety of conditions
Did you know? Chiropractors are trained to evaluate and treat other neuromusculoskeletal conditions. Read more to find out
Modern view: Chiropractic and Physiotherapy
Modern view: Differences between Chiropractic and Physiotherapy
Massage reduces the ‘Fight or Flight’ response
Fight or flight response. Can massage help you relax?
Does my massage need to be sore to be effective?
Is it more effective if my massage is deep and sore? Read more to find out.
Who do I need to see, Chiropractor or Massage therapist?
I’m experiencing pain! Who do I need to see, Chiropractor or Massage therapist? Read more to find out.
Can exercise help with chronic pain?
There are many variabilities that may affect the chronicity of pain. Exercise can be a powerful tool in managing chronic pain.
What is pain?
What is pain? We have all experienced some form of pain in our life time but can we define what it is. Can we explain why we experience pain?
Sciatica and Chiropractic: Treatments to reduce symptoms
Nerve pain can be annoying and/or debilitating. Can it heal?
How Chiropractors can help with headaches
Can chiropractors help with your headaches? Many people see chiropractors for tension type headache, migraines and cervicogenic headaches.
Recovering from a Lumbar disc injury
Recovering from a lumbar disc injury. What is it? Can I recover from my lumbar disc injury?