Top tips to improve the skin you’re in
To promote healthy skin at any age, it's crucial to minimise factors that accelerate aging such as UVA exposure, smoking, and pollution.
Is there a correlation between cold weather and back pain?
Determining Whether You Need a Physiotherapist or Chiropractor
Who do I see for my pain, physio or chiro? Or maybe both?
Lumbar Disc Herniation: Timeframe of recovery
Is my lower back pain cause by a disc herniation? How long is my recovery?
Common causes of lower back pain and what you can do about it
Common causes of lower back pain and what you can do about it
Can prolong sitting cause back pain?
Back pain sitting for prolong period. Why does my back get tight at work?
Lower back pain when running - What is causing it? How to prevent it?
In the clinic, we frequently encounter lower back injuries, which are prevalent not only among runners but also among individuals engaged in prolonged sitting, driving, and the repetitive, sedentary nature of many occupations. These activities are not conducive to developing robust and flexible lower back muscles.
Why do my calf muscles always feel tight?
Why does my calf muscles always feel tight? Do I need to stretch more? Or maybe strengthen them?
The myth of “Upper trap tightness”: Why is it always tight?
Common myth about tight upper trap muscles
The importance of sleep
Sleep is a critical aspect of our lives, and getting enough of it is essential for our overall health and wellbeing.
Massage can help injured muscles to heal faster
One of the most significant benefits of massage is its ability to help injured muscles heal faster.
Post-workout recovery is important
Recovery is just as important as the workout itself, if not more so.
Relief tips for office related pain
Pain is an unfortunate reality for many office workers.
Posture can influence how you feel
Poor posture can lead to discomfort and pain, particularly in the neck, shoulders, and back.
Regular chiropractic care can be a valuable tool for athletes
Chiropractic care can help to optimise an athlete's musculoskeletal system, improve joint mobility and flexibility, and enhance nervous system function.
Massage for pregnancy
One way that pregnant women can take care of themselves is by receiving regular massages.
Chiropractic care during pregnancy
Can I see a chiropractor during my pregnancy? If so, how can they help me throughout my pregnancy. Read to find out more.